How to Attract and Retain Zoomers

How to Attract and Retain Zoomers

Zoomers are the newest generation to enter the workforce, following in the footsteps of Gen Y millennials and before them the boomers.

This bot reads government notices and updates corresponding documents in INSZoom application, uploading them into case level Documents menus as needed.

Understanding this demographic can help businesses more successfully reach their target audience.

1. They’re Optimistic

Gen Z is born as digital natives and exposed to technology from birth. Although eager to lead the world, Gen Z members feel frustrated about its economic climate and global conflicts. Their favorite genre of reading includes Young Adult dystopias; popular TV shows include Dark and The Last of Us which portray apocalyptic scenarios; while musical icon Billie Eilish writes songs about depression, suicidal thoughts, nihilism etc.

Zoomee believes in an optimistic world ahead. One indicator of its optimism was seen when Zoom’s use increased 20-fold during April’s pandemic lockdown as businesses and individuals sought ways to continue working remotely.

4. They’re Innovative

Zoom continues to innovate even while supporting remote and hybrid work environments, such as this clip from Motley Fool Live by contributors Brian Withers and Toby Bordelon discussing how Zoom provides solutions that meet their needs.

Plans call for new innovations that create an enhanced, collaborative, and engaging user experience and streamline processes by connecting and organizing workstreams. One such innovation is Zoom IQ for Sales which increases seller productivity through automated next steps and risk assessments as well as quick search functionality.

Zoom Phone Video Voicemails will provide a more personable alternative to traditional voicemail, allowing team members to leave video messages directly in each colleague’s inbox. Zoom also plans on offering collaboration-ready touch screen devices for Zoom Rooms, Meetings, and Phone in order to facilitate professional meetings from remote locations.

5. They’re Socially Conscious

Zoomers entered the workforce during an age of global crisis and have developed strong ties to social causes. As such, they believe businesses have an obligation to support urgent societal issues, including mental health concerns, climate change and diversity and inclusion issues. Deloitte research indicates that 96% of Gen Zers are satisfied when companies support social causes they care about, with 85% more likely to trust and purchase from those brands that support these causes. Therefore, supporting these issues must form part of any recruitment and retention strategy in order to attract and keep top talent. Integrate them into your business practices today so you can guarantee you’re attracting and keeping the brightest talent available in your industry!

Are You Curious about Gen Z?? Click Here To Discover More